
Ahldzoeng Enthusiast
I read/write Eorzean fluently
A little too into the lore
❖ ❖ ❖FFXIV © 2010 - 2023 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.
This account is not officially affiliated with Square Enix.

Artwork by Kikissh
(Some pages are still WIP/not active; will update as soon as I can)




Roegadyn — Hellsguard

General InformationName: Skotyrfedar de Dzemael
(née Keteninghilwyn)
Born: 11th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon, 1551 6AE
Age: 26 years as of 5 7UE ARR | 40* years as of 19 7AE EW
Height: 7 fulm 2 ilms 222cm
Hair Color: Brown-black, with silver streaks
Eye Color: Red originally, now red/gold heterochromia
Laterality: Left
Eorzean Patron: Menphina, the Lover — Ice
Doman-Hingan Calendar Zodiac: Moon of the Horse — Fire
Void Alignment: Cancer — Sixth Moon — Water
Blessed By: Belyas
Defining Scars/Marks Multiple red aetherial ink tattoos acquired over the years:
Summoner mark across cheekbones and nose
Bahamut sigil on right abdomen and hip
Belyas sigil on forehead
Umbral magic sigils on both biceps
Astral magic sigils on her thighs and ankles
Eternal Bond tattoo on right middle finger
Star-like impact scar mid-sternum
Laceration scar on left flank from just under her armpit to the under-edge of her shoulder blade
Phoenix sigil scarification on back
Alternate names or aliases Gaia
Original unsundered mankind name
Former seat in the Convocation of the Fourteen
Affectionate nickname used by those close to her
Swift Feather
Common tongue translation of her name
Royal title in the Koendem fon Dhemberkdyn: Ahldeidin
Fhlath Cèile
Royal title in the Void
Lady Dzemael/Countess de Dzemael
RelationsMarital Status: Married
Spouse: Orpheaux de Dzemael
Children: Boewenblaet de Dzemael, Wytablyss de Dzemael
Known Shard Echoes Gaia Norvrandt

*Due to a combination of being Belyas’ key chosen, and the effects of Orpheaux’s soul conjoined with her own in their soulforge, she has physically stopped aging and conventionally is immortal to the effects of time.

Given the mostly isolated nature of her clan and an incredibly strong ancestral genetic heritage, members of the Koendem fon Dhemberkdyn have various physical distinctions from other hellsguard:The points of their fingers and toes extend with claws, slightly curved and blunter than that of the miqo’te but stronger.Though not all have retained the trait due to marriages between the clans changing the genetic pool in more recent ages, a large number of the Dhemberkdyn have thick, medium-to-long tails. Sko often wears decorative tail wrappings of leather with beads of obsidian that goes half-way up her tail from the base.Her eyes have tapetum lucidum, so glow orange/purple/yellow/green in specific lighting or low lighting like a cat or dogs. Eyes were once solely a carnelian red, almost gem-like in their brightness at times, but after fracturing her aetherwell and causing an acceleration of the once-inert remnants of lightblight on her organs due to extreme strain, her left eye turned gold and is quite startling in its beauty despite the pain behind it. It is also important to note that like all old mountain roegadyn, her pupils are not black but instead coloured—a trait lending further to the jewel-like appearance.Her nose is bifurcated and quite textured at the tip, known as a rhinarium, which in addition to being dark in colour is also mildy damp like that of a bear’s nose. When she blushes the deepest point of it is from the edge of her nose-tip outward. Like other members of her clan she sometimes will darken this even further until it is almost blackened with volcanic ash from the holiest of holies for religious or special occasions.Lips are naturally dark, sometimes she wears gloss on them. Her teeth, particularly her canines and immediate front-facing incisors, are sharp; designed to, in tandem with a powerful jaw, easily crack the hardened shells of some magmakin that are fished from the deep hearth to sustain themselves. She can break the arm of an average hyur with enough force, and has broken the arm of a full-grown male roegadyn with her bite.Hair is deep brown-black but has big streaks of white/silver due to aetherial strain over the years, especially as her current age which is young for a roegadyn. As of recent events EW, she has even more white through her hair.

Brief History
In 1551 6AE, late in the evening of the 11th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon, the sky was awash with stars streaking across the heavens. Born during this phenomenon as the youngest cub to Koen Keteninghil and Koena Grynethuv in the Royal City of Ahldeidin, the Koendem fon Dhemberkdyn, was Skotyrfedar Keteninghilwyn. She was named for both her great-great grandfather Fraefedar and for the swiftness of which the stars danced through the sky. As she grew it became obvious she had the traits of their ancestors; not just in a tail, claws, and fangs, but a proficiency in magic that fast caught the attention of the clan’s closest neighbours in 1555 6AE. The Hecatonchires held a council with the Ahldeidin seers, and they unanimously named Skotyrfedar heir of the royal family ahead of her siblings at only four summers old.They sought to let the old God to see the ‘child of the falling stars’ to further cement their decision. It was in the temple's holiest-of-holies that the elder God, slumbering beneath the mountains for eons, bestowed upon her His gift; a walker, her carnelian eyes able to see the very threads of life that aether gave in the world and her soul ablaze with old magic from the knowledge of her ancestors.Such gifts came with a price, however. The vision was overwhelming at first, causing splitting headaches and agony as she felt blind to the actual tangible world before her very eyes. With time came control and the ability to sort the strands and the colours, to see malaise in those unwell to treat it, to see new life bloom from germination in their crops, and life extinguish when it came time for those to pass, and ultimately to push through the tendrils of aether to see the world normally.She quickly excelled at the traditional aether-strengthening ability to firewalk, as all magically inclined users of the Dhemberkdyn are required to embark on, and went on her firewalk journey in 1565 during the third umbral Moon at only ten summers of age, shadowed by her eldest brother Wyznuwil. They did not return until the fourth umbral Moon, the glowing spark of a carbuncle by her side: Kornerupine. She soon mastered the ability to hand-cast after being given aetherial tattoos that her ancestors had used 300 summers before to control potent non-elemental magicks.

In the south, Dalamud fell with catastrophic results. Though the effects were not as directly felt in their kingdom, it still unsettled the clan that such a horror occurred.
After the fall, Skotyrfedar decided to journey south into Eorzea to further her studies into aetherology and arcanism at only twenty and six summers, in addition to seeing the damage of the calamity first-hand. She soon became a valuable ally to the Eorzean Alliance for her research into Primals and tempering in addition to harnessing the aether of felled Primals.For her services during the raid on The Praetorium as aide to the Scions she was granted private housing in whichever major city state she deemed, albeit with the caviat that the property — an old botanist homestead — would require renovations, which helped Skotyrfedar keep her mind occupied as she assisted with the rehabilitation of her new found family after the castrum raid, and her own trauma from it.This enabled her to establish a Free Company known as Nightingale, which soon grew to house people from all across the Great Three Continents who sought the teachings of the ancestral summoner and a place to call home. Despite her occasional language barrier with students due to common being a second language, she often was commissioned by the arcanist guild to discuss aetheric condensation theory, the difference in astral/umbral magick in relation to "non"-elemental actually being part of the same balance, and safe control of larger familiar summons.

Skills & Summons

Thubagoht. Literally translated as ‘God Mage’ this term is used for the summoner arcane arts that Skotyrfedar's clan is renowned for. Unlike Allagan-origin arcane arts, where a grimoire would be used to draft sigils and spells and the magicks employed are without element, the Dhemberkdyn employ the use of hand-casting that strongly utilises astral and umbral balancing which is passed down through generations. The wielder of these arcane arts often are seen tracing cuneiform and highly complex sigils through the air to condense aether into their spells, and in particular can charge the aether of an area toward an astral or umbral element, which is a large differentiation compared to Allagan summoners that make the Dhemberkdyn style of summoning more akin to that of the far eastern Onmyoji style.Clan history retains records of those who could transmute the aether of Primals into familiars going as far back as the start of the 6th Astral Era, with other records confirming the use of more basic arcane conjuring to create Carbuncle-like familiars from the properties of minerals or gemstones throughout the various families that make up the clan. Those aforementioned arcanists were separately defined by the term geimgerma, which translates to ‘jewel conjurer’ in common, while there have been only four thubagoht in recent history of the Dhemberkdyn:Nortyrwaen, Skotyrfedar, and her children: Boewenblaet and Wytablyss.Skotyrfedar employs a large number of carbuncle variations as her primary summons, and though she is capable of turning the latent aether of any felled primal she has been in the vicinity of if needed into an Egi, she prefers her carbuncles and larger demi summons.


/summon I
As a stone, kornerupine represents release - from burdens, barriers, or oppressions. It eases meditation and develops a wider vision to which it unravels questions and answers them, leading to an understanding of the sacred nature of existence. Kornerupine symbolises lucidity and replenishment of energy, and calms ones inner self.When aetheric energy is siphoned into the raw cut of kornerupine core Skotyrfedar uses for her Kornerupine Carbuncle, it manifests a small yet strikingly beautiful carbuncle that seems to hold the answers to all of the universes in its deep eyes. Kornerupine was the very first carbuncle that Skotyrfedar conjured, the stone core having come across her path on her firewalk when she was many moons younger, and as such it is her most trusted companion.Kornerupine has no dominant element and is considered non-elemental.When enkindled, Kornerupine becomes Demi-Zurvan.Egi Assault: Starfall Comet
Egi Assault II: Shooting Star
Enkindle: Dazega


/summon II
As a stone, an emerald represents hope and the future, renewal, and growth. Emeralds symbolise freshness and vitality to the spirit, are associated with the eyes and sight, and are long believed to foretell future events and reveal one’s truths. They are Skotyrfedar's favourite stone, so much so that her engagement ring very prominently features one.When aetheric energy is siphoned into the small rough cut emerald core Skotyrfedar uses for her Emerald Carbuncle, it manifests a very small but powerful carbuncle that bursts at the seams with magical prowess. Emerald often floats instead of bouncing along the ground, her wind properties allowing her to do so, lending to a ‘pampered princess’ attitude at times.Emerald’s dominant element is wind.When enkindled, Emerald becomes Demi-Garuda.Egi Assault: Aerial Slash
Egi Assault II: Slipstream
Enkindle: Aerial Blast


/summon III
As a stone, a citrine represents manifestation, imagination, and personal will. Citrine is said to carry the power of the sun. It does not hold or accumulate negative energy but rather transmutes, dissipates, and grounds it, making it extremely protective for the environment.When aetheric energy is siphoned into the large polished point citrine core Skotyrfedar uses for her Citrine Carbuncle, it manifests a bear-sized behemoth of a being that is large enough to support her as a mount. Citrine is a shield wall, able to take a lot of blows while dishing out in return, and has often been used as a solid protector in situations that call for it. He is rather demure personality-wise outside of a fight, often preferring to stay by his conjurer's side.Citrine’s dominant element is earth.When enkindled, Citrine becomes Demi-Titan.Egi Assault: Mountain Buster
Egi Assault II: Earthen Armour
Enkindle: Earthen Fury


/summon IV
As a stone, a ruby represents passion, protection and prosperity. Rubies symbolise the sun and glow like an inextinguishable flame, can ward off plague and pestilence, and warn its wearer/user of danger. Rubies promote a clear mind, power, passion, and determination.When aetheric energy is siphoned into the large ruby core Skotyrfedar uses for her Ruby Carbuncle, it manifests a direwolf-sized feisty being. Ruby is a fighter and will body an enemy to protect party members, and will also make a nice chew toy out of anything silly enough to challenge her. She is an aggressive, high-energy carbuncle that is always revved up and ready to go, often necessitating the need for a firm body jacket to keep her calmer, and is one of Skotyrfedar's favourites to conjure.Ruby’s dominant element is fire.When enkindled, Ruby becomes Demi-Ifrit.Egi Assault: Flaming Crush
Egi Assault II: Crimson Cyclone
Enkindle: Inferno


/summon V
As a stone, a sapphire represents wisdom, royalty, protection, good fortune, and spiritual insight. Sapphires protect from poison, plague, fever and skin diseases, and also are widely used to heal a number of ailments both physical and emotional.When aetheric energy is siphoned into the smooth oval sapphire core Skotyrfedar uses for her Sapphire Carbuncle, it manifests a small to medium-sized being. Sapphire is the calmest carbuncle Skotyrfedar has created, often opting to curl up against people she is doing therapeutic work with for the most part. Skotyrfedar also imbued a piece of her aether into another sapphire core which was with Sui to call upon the carbuncle as she needed for her chronic aether fatigue. Sapphire is cool to the touch and exudes calmness, allowing people to easily rest.Sapphire’s dominant element is water.When enkindled, Sapphire becomes Demi-Leviathan.Egi Assault: Torrent
Egi Assault II: Aquaring
Enkindle: Downpour


/summon VI
As a stone, amethysts stimulate and soothe the mind and emotions. Amethyst is one of the most effective crystals for healing people, plants and animals. They protect against psychic attack, paranormal harm, or ill-wishing, and returns the energy back to the universe after being transformed into positive, loving energy.When aetheric energy is siphoned into the pendulum teardrop amethyst core Skotyrfedar uses for her Amethyst Carbuncle, it manifests into a small to medium-sized being. Amethyst is a mysterious carbuncle, tinged by Skotyrfedar's echo, allowing him a precognitive perception from its ability to see aether moving in the world. He is often employed in her meditations, and she uses him with students of the free company trying to learn better aetherial manipulation.Amethyst’s dominant element is lightning.When enkindled, Amethyst becomes Demi-Susano.Egi Assault: Blitz Whip
Egi Assault II: Burst
Enkindle: Overload Surge


/summon VII
As a stone, moonstone is an amulet of protection for travelers, a gift of lovers for passion, a channel for prophecy, and a path to wisdom. Moonstone can draw forth great inspiration and spirit, aiding to cleanse and dispel negativity.When aetheric energy is siphoned into the cabochon moonstone core Skotyrfedar uses for her Moonstone Carbuncle, it manifests into a small to medium-sized being. Moonstone is a purely supportive carbuncle, able to create a field for allies that can bolster their abilities. He also is able to cast magics like haste and protect. Skotyrfedar enjoyed teaching Alphinaud how to conjure one for himself, gifting him a polished core which he now extensively uses as an accomplished Academician.Moonstone has no dominant element and is considered non-elemental.When enkindled, Moonstone becomes Demi-Titania.Egi Assault: New Moon
Egi Assault II: Moonblast
Enkindle: Pearlescent Light

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/summon Demi-Bahamut
After direct exposure to the dreadwyrm's aether while exploring the labyrinthine coils beneath Eorzea with the Calamity Five, Alisaie, and Alphinaud, Skotyrfedar found herself able to pool that aether into a corporation. Yet instead of an egi, as she thought she was conjuring, she produced a demi-being in the visage of Eorzea's doom. The large demi-summon is gilded, glowing gold like the molten strands of aether witnessed during gigaflare, and easily dwarfs his conjurer when standing alongside her.Though she can control him and even synergises with him during her Alpha Summoner Trance, allowing for attacks such as Wyrmwave, Earthshaker, and Flatten, the draconic words that curiously pry at the edges of her mind lends her to seldom call upon him for longer than necessary. Prolonged exposure often leads to bloodlust and a more feral-style of fighting from the concentrated rage in the aether corrupting Skotyrfedar's mind.When enkindled, Demi-Bahamut uses Akh Morn.

After the events of Paglth'an, Skotyrfedar can no longer call this Demi.

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/summon Demi-Belyas
Having been exposed to the aether of the old God since childhood, conjuring a form of Belyas is practically second nature for Skotyrfedar. Because of her deep bond with him, Belyas' demi form often can fluctuate in size depending on how much aether she pours into the summoning, and often is active and conjured in some way, shape, or form with her at every moment, even if not entirely corporeal. The normal form demi-summon has a faint glow of embers, is larger than Demi-Bahamut, and often uses one of his many sets of arms to keep his conjurer safe by maintaining the runes for Shellga in the event of any danger.For use in battle, Skotyrfedar channels further power into this demi via her Alpha Summoner Trance to allow for large bursts, giving the old God's light corporation the ability to utilise skills such as Fira, Painflare, and even Cura to assist Skotyrfedar directly. Demi-Belias' form can become as monstrously large as a full summon, but doing so comes at the cost of a lot of aether from the user and is only a tactic saved for desperate measures.When enkindled, Demi-Belias uses Hellfire.

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/summon Phoenix
A true summon. Phoenix came to Skotyrfedar only through the great strain of being aether-starved when her soul was displaced from her physical form when she was called to Norvrandt. Initially, the being was dormant, a spark that stained the colour of Skotyrfedar's soul should one with aetheric vision look hard enough, but the flames of protection and rebirth soon made themselves known at Mount Gulg. Appearing as a many-winged bird that seems to hold a sun in a cradle at her back. Her golden plumes shimmer all colours of the rainbow.If called upon for battles the Alpha Summoner Trance in combination with having been part of Skotyrfedar's own aetherwell allows for both to work in fluid unison, often to devastating results to those caught in the path of the scorching blue flames.When enkindled, Phoneix uses Atonement.

<The Wanderer's Shadow>
Roegadyn-Elezen — Mixed

General InformationName: Wytablyss de Dzemael
Born: 8th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon, 18 7AE
Age: 0 years as of 17 7AE ShB | # years as of # 7AE ??
Height: 8 fulm 1 ilm 248cm
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: White with blue/gold heterochromia mutation
Laterality: Left
Eorzean Patron: Menphina, the Lover — Ice
Doman-Hingan Calendar Zodiac: Moon of the Monkey — Metal
Void Alignment: Virgo — Eighth Moon — Holy
Blessed By: Belyas
Defining Scars/Marks Knife stab scar on right flankAlternate names or aliases Wytablyss Orpfoewyn
Traditional name, translates to ‘Water Blossom, Daughter of Orpheaux
Silent Arbiter
Epithet given by Belyas
RelationsMarital Status: Engaged
Partner: Aurvreaux de Rougecarpe

Wytablyss is mixed race, with her mother being a hellsguard roegadyn, and her father a mixed (duskwight & wildwood) elezen. She was afflicted by lightblight before her birth, leading to her having porcelain-like skin which in the right light seems to have a gold glimmer to it at parts. This extends to her gums, organs, and even her blood. All are pale and tinged with gold. At times her skin can feel cool and stone-like, but despite the alarming otherworldliness of it all there is no risk of her ever becoming a complete sineater; her condition is inert. The blight altered her aetherwell and paralysed her vocal cords congenitally, so Wytablyss is very expressive and uses sign language to communicate as she cannot speak.In addition to her more elezen-traits such as her long ears and features, just like her mother she has various physical distinctions from other hellsguard:The points of her fingers and toes extend with claws, slightly curved and blunter than that of the miqo’te but stronger.Though not all have retained the trait due to marriages between the clans changing the genetic pool in more recent ages, a large number of the Dhemberkdyn have thick, medium-to-long tails. Like her mother, Wyta often wears decorative tail wrappings of leather with beads of turquoise and other water-aspected stones that go half-way up her tail from the base.Her eyes have tapetum lucidum, so glow orange/purple/yellow/green in specific lighting or low lighting like a cat or dogs. She has central heterochromia, her right being an icy blue, while her left is gold. It is also important to note that like all old mountain roegadyn, her pupils are not black but instead coloured—a trait lending further to the jewel-like appearance.Her nose is bifurcated and quite textured at the tip, known as a rhinarium, which in addition to being slightly darker in colour is also mildly damp like that of a bear’s nose. Like other members of her clan she sometimes will darken this even further until it is almost blackened with volcanic ash from the holiest of holies for religious or special occasions.Her teeth, particularly her canines and immediate front-facing incisors, are sharp; designed to, in tandem with a powerful jaw, easily crack the hardened shells of some magmakin that are fished from the deep hearth to sustain themselves. She can break the arm of an average hyur with enough force, and has broken the arm of a full-grown male roegadyn with her bite.
Brief History

<Lion of Carteneau>
Roegadyn — Sea Wolf

General InformationName: Guhthaerz Kune-Hume
(née Wiltbrydasyn)
Born: 15th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon, 1540 6AE
Age: 37 years as of 5 7UE ARR | 51 years as of 19 7AE EW
Height: 7 fulm 5 ilms 231cm
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Green-grey
Laterality: Ambidexterous
Eorzean Patron: Llymlaen, the Navigator — Wind
Doman-Hingan Calendar Zodiac: Moon of the Boar — Water
Void Alignment: Scorpio — Tenth Moon — Water
Blessed By: Hydaelyn
Defining Scars/Marks Aetherial tattoo on back
Triple crescent-shaped scar mid torso running from under left breast to right clavicle, exit wound scar by right shoulder blade
Missing ½ of left leg after severe crush injury in Ghimlyt Dark, has an artificial magitek knee anchor mechanism fused into the bone that is used to lock prosthesis into place
Alternate names or aliases Achelous
Original unsundered mankind name
Good Heart
Common tongue translation of his name
The Lion of Carteneau
Epithet for his herosim during the Battle of Carteneau
Warrior of Light and Darkness
Once soul is harmonised with First counterpart
RelationsMarital Status: Married
Spouse(s): Adalbert Hume & Sui Kune
Children: Yuugao Inoue Adopted
Known Shard Echoes Branden Norvrandt — Rejoined

Brief History

Lalafell-Padjal — Plainsfolk

General InformationName: Dekoko Lo'deko
(née Deko)
Born: 16th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon, 1530 6AE
Age: 47 years as of 5 7UE ARR | 60* years as of 19 7AE EW
Height: 2 fulms 61cm
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown with gold heterochromia mutation
Laterality: Right
Eorzean Patron: Thaliak, the Scholar — Water
Doman-Hingan Calendar Zodiac: Moon of the Serpent — Fire
Void Alignment: Taurus — Fourth Moon — Earth
Blessed By: Hydaelyn
Defining Scars/Marks Aetherial tattoo on back
Numerous scars on arms
Alternate names or aliases Hecate
Original unsundered mankind name
Sibling nickname from her older brother
Epithet for her deeds as a White Mage
Warrior of Light and Darkness
Once soul is harmonised with First counterpart
Preferred mentor salutation
RelationsMarital Status: Married
Spouse: Cocobuki Lolobuki
Children: Pipiko Lo’falapiko, Imimi Lo’mimi, Adalbert Hume Adopted
Grandchildren: Rafifi Lo’fif, Eko Lo’yubiko, Liyiyi Lo’liyi
Known Shard Echoes Lamitt Tholl Norvrandt — Rejoined

*Stopped aging about her mid 50s after her aether was altered by a ‘Pulse of Life,’ combined with being a padjali.

Brief History

Master Commission & Gifted
Art Collective

Skotyrfedar is near and dear to me, and over the years as her story and personality have evolved, relationships forged, and trials both failed and overcome have happened they've all shaped her into who she is within the FFXIV universe. A proud Queen to her people in the Abalathian Kingdom of Ahldeidin, the home to her clan the Dhemberkdyn, nestled in the heart of Abalathia's Spine — or Berk Abarlaent in her mothertongue. Lady of House Dzemael after her husband ascended to Count. Family to those of the Calamity Five. A renowned aetherologist who prides herself in her dedication to her arcana as well as teaching those around her how to use it safely and well.I really, really love the characters I play and share stories with amongst friends in the world of FFXIV — enough to have amassed quite a lot of art over many many years. A large number of these pieces are commissioned, but I've also had the joy of gifted art as well.Commissions are a bit of a guilty habit, as well — I enjoy being able to support friends and other artists I've come across in the years of being in the community.You'll find art including Sko, her husband Orpheaux, or her chosen family/companions here.

Please note: some pieces have mild suggestive themes and/or nudity!All artist links (where possible; some galleries or twitter profiles don't exist anymore) can be found at the top of the gallery.All art here is © the respective artists —NO NFTs/AI— if you like any of the artwork please consider supporting the artists!

Artist Links:
BeetleBoyoKaijuJungleYonTharPearlOnionHolicCraigMomoDearyWawsHalicor_ToruKokuKhalsNataliaSeiLucyHamtaroOsaRémiSaoSucrebearsRueAbsintheShiralineLizaYukiKalceMaddieMelInesBnuuyHadesChibiranPearl ZhengAino